Our Vision
As followers of Christ united by faith to worship God, we will share the gospel, make disciples, and serve our community.
Sunday Services
Every Sunday at 10:45 AM we gather together to sing, pray, read Scripture, and listen to a message from Scripture. Most of our messages are parts of expository messages as we walk through books of the Bible with real-life application. We unashamedly believe the gospel transforms our lives.
We do have childcare for birth through 4 years old during the services, but all children are also welcome to be in our services.
ConneXion Groups
We believe that real connections and real discipleship happens in small groups where people get to know one another and love one another. We encourage everyone to be involved in one of our ConneXion Groups to study the Bible and make connections. ConneXion groups meet at 9:15 Sunday mornings.
Current Sermon Series
We are walking through the Bible in 2024-2025, as we read through it together as a church. We are using the ESV Daily Reading Bible as a congregation and each week the sermon comes from a passage that has been read the past week. We will see that the Bible is one big story—a meta narrative of Creation, the Fall, Redemption, and Consummation.